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mark poulson

Somethings Burning

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Today, I reheated some plastisol in a NorPro silicone cup, to pour some senkos.

When I opened the microwave door, there was some smoke, and I found a spot on the side of the cup had charred.

I had added both blasting sand and salt to the plastic, and had pour it before with no problems.

I'm wondering what might have caused the charring.

When I peeled the plastic out of the cup, I found two places on the bottom where the blasting sand seemed to have clumped, and melted into the silicone.

Anyone have a clue what might be going on?

Edited by mark poulson
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Well, this is the very first time this has happened to me, so I just threw away the rest of that batch of plastic, just in case it was contaminated by something.

I will stir more when I have some of the blast sand added, to keep it in suspension and away from the sides and bottom of the silicone cup.

I just put the finishing touches on a 3 cavity 7" senko mold, and I'm going to pour it tomorrow in watermelon/red and black flake.  To achieve the same weight as the original, but to keep it more durable, I plan to use a 4/1/1 ratio of BJ's soft plastisol to sand and fine salt.  I'll add a little heat stabilizer, and I'm going to try to hand pour it with my plastic at 325, to avoid dents.

Fingers crossed!

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I saw the title of this thread and it reminded me to remind everyone to unplug their microwave when not in use

I keep my anchor cups in my microwave, usually with leftover plastisol still in them... Its a "safe", dust free environment

Well.... One day i was carving something or another.. dremel screaming, shop vac going, head phones playing.. A jumbo jet could have landed on my porch and i wouldnt have heard it

I started to smell something burning, wondered, is the wife cooking??... I ignored the smell and continued about my business.... The smell kept getting stronger, and i could tell it definitely wasn't pinto beans.... So i turned everything off and heard the microwave going.... It sits in a little shelf i made right at knee level.... Some how my knee managed to mash time/10:00/start

I opened the door to reveal a cloud of black smoke and an anchor cup half full of charred plastic.... Took almost 2 weeks to get that smell out of my hallway (this was before i got my shop)

Probably could have been worse, could have hit 60:00!.... I keep it unplugged now

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