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mark poulson

Laminate Bait With Weight Transfer

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I just posted some pictures of a laminated bait I made with a weight transfer system.

It is made from the 1/4" Centec PVC board my friend gave me.

I can't say for sure that the weight transfer really helps the bait cast farther, but it didn't foul on any of my test casts, so it seems to have cut down on the tumbling that happened with my previous bait.

The bait runs down 5-6', I think.  It's down out of sight in water that has 3-4' of visibility, and catches the tops of the weeds.

I won't get to paint and finish it until next week.

I'll let you all know how it turns out.\



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You better paint it tomorrow and get it ready for Saturdays tourny bud.  It looks great and I like how you used the lamination to provide the channel for the weight transfer....no tube required.   Saweeet.  So following up on that idea,  when you are using ball shaped weights, you don't have to make the weight transfer channel straight.  Conversly, if you make the channel straight, you don't have to use round balls.  On a straight channel we could use a lead or tungsten drop shot style weight or even a short length of brass rod and actually use the channel more efficiently.  The trick of course is to make sure no glue from the lam squeezes into the channel and locks the weight in place.


Great job,


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I won't be fishing Sat.  It's meet the daughter's future in laws day.  He's a good guy, so I'm thinking his parents must be okay, too.  Fingers crossed!

I'll try and get by tomorrow with a piece of the 1/4" material for you to play with.

You're right, of course, I didn't have to use lead balls for the weight transfer.  Doh!!!!

I traced the slot outline onto each outer piece, and then glued them up individually, so I had the first piece as a test of how much glue to use.

I kept the outside layer with the fresh glue on the bottom each time, so any excess would stay down and not contaminate the race.

I was still worried during glue up,  and very relieved when the ballast still moved after the super glue had set!

Good luck Saturday.


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