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painting sequence

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wow a thousand ways to prime a lure !!! I submitted a tutorial on how I prime them . I dip them and let them dry for a few days . I am also priming up to 100 lures at once so I found with me airbrushing the primer it took 100 times as long . For my odd shaped baits I use my airbrush cause dipping them can get clumpy if you have alot of detail in them .

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I don't want to beat this topic to death, but I am changing my process on my light weight, top water lures and I would like some input from the experts.

I used to use this sequence:

Shape and sand

Add weight

Cover weight hole and nicks with wood putty


paint with sander/sealer


prime with Kilz



top coat with Devcon

But I am changing to this sequence:

Shape and sand

Add weight

Cover wood hole and nicks with wood putty


scruff surface

prime auto body primer



top coat with E-tex

I changed to E-tex for the longer working time and the thinner, lighter coat. When I tried to use Devcon to both seal and top coat the bait I felt it was getting too heavy and wasn't moving the way I wanted in the water.

I hoping the new process makes a stronger bait. It certin has more action in the water. My questions are:

"Will using wood putty compromise the bait over time?"

(I use a water proof, sandadble putty, and it is under 2 coats of e-tex.)

"Would you buy a bait made with this process?"

(I haven't try to sell any of my baits, but I do give them to friends and I don't want to disapoint them)

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Hey Mallard I have used a wood putty with no problems except one...and I have also used a Wood Repair made by LocTite. Its a 2 part epoxy like substance that come in small tubes and Im gonna tell you, it is tuff as nails. I have made big errors when I first started out like cutting the lip slot too big, etc,... well this wood repair epoxy, fills in the wood, AND it holds that lip in their AWESOMELY! It also hold the belly weight in their great. Its a pain to mix up, cause its 2 parts, But what an awesome product. I have to really be careful when I sand it down cause the wood next to it gets too much sanding ( When I use Balsa, cause its actually harder than Balsa ) and loses its shape. But its a great product. When I used the wood putty to hold the belly weight, when I screwed in my belly screw eye, sometimes the wood putty would crack or loosen up on the inside. So for me with the epoxy, that weight isnt going anywhere and I can get a good drill hole up through the epoxy and lead with no problems. But to answer your question though, No you shouldnt have a problem with the putty, Im sure there are other brands that people will reccommend better, I havent found a good putty, but I swear by the epoxy! And would I buy a bait like that with that process.... YES! I believe most of the Manufactured Handcarved and Handmade lures need and require some kind of wood filler for their lures. Mine which Im still beginning making.... Hold up very well so far. And the good part on that is... with the help of this board Im still learning from everyone out there!! Cody

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