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Salmon Egg Molds. What To 'scent' With?

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I am a smallmouth fisherman.

I have a place in Canada on a river that runs into lake Huron.

Every fall I watch the salmon come up the river and spawn.

Occasionally I see a SteeHead following them

(I am told the SteelHead are eating the Salmon spawn).


So, this year I have decided to catch a Steelhead!

(I never have fished for them before).


Before I go any further I am aware that I have a better chance of catching 

a Steelhead using real span bags, But what fun is that?


I am looking at this mold:


My question is what do I scent the spawn bags I will make with the Egg clusters

from this mold?


Is there such a thing as 'Salmon Egg' scent?




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Or.. I collect some crayfish and dead minnows from the bait store.

I chop them up really fine and put them into a small container (with a lid!) Along with some worm oil and let it soak. After a day or so I would add the plastic bait.

If I use the mix for catfish I leave it outside in the sun!

For bass/walleye baits I put the container in a brown bag (so my wife doesn't see what it is!!!!!!!) And store it in the refrigerator.

Or...just buy some scent at the store!

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I'm with you on your original idea though.  All plastic with a scent.  There is nothing like fooling a fish with something I made up.  I bought up 12 bottles of Baitmate Anise years ago before they started adding color and sparkle and it has been my go to for everything.


I'm a transplant from Toronto and have never fished for walleye, lol.

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