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My swimbait making adventures

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With cabin fever in fool swing, I got tired of airbrushing someone else's knock offs so I decided to come up with my own swimbait designs make them for myself so that if I lose one in a brush pile all I got to do is pour a new one. I plan to sell some here and there to cover all the costs. I really like the mike bucca bull shad but I felt for $50 plus I could make one much better which motivated me to make them. I have always made tackle so this was my new challenge. Here are my carvings I have been working on for the last 20 hours or so. I will have 2 shad types, 1 bluegill, and 1 glide bait modeled after a roman made mother with my own touches and measuring at a tasty 6.5" finished. I am making a master silicone molds for each one to pour resin swimbaits. Once the master molds are made and I make a resin copy, I will cut them into joints, install hardware test tune once they are ready for production. I will then make production molds of the actual baits. I want to keep the wood prototypes original. I want the master molds to be solid one piece so that if I want to make different versions of each one like adding more or less joints or mods of the same lure I don't have to carve another one. Its a big investment in silicone mold material but I think its the way to go. Here is my progress so far. My 6.5" Roman made mother prototype mold is poured and curing. I have along way to go, but I think headed in the right direction. I will keep this updated along my journey of finished products. I now understand why people charge so much for custom baits, so much time into design, then you got to design, make equipment and jigs to get the job done, carving tools, silicone and plastic resins, then mold making, tweaking, testing, tuning, pouring production molds, pouring resin baits, hardware, airbrushing and top coating.  Hope you enjoy. I already have a healthy investment into everything from carving tools, scroll saw, dremel and supplies, drill press, supplies, hardware etc. and I am not even done with the molds. THanks to everyone on here for the wealth of information. I will keep this updated along my journey of finished products.









Edited by bassmaster7938
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Well, you have made some good progress so far, and I like your design. I don't know about rushing to make a master without the most important steps still ahead. Testing, making that piece of wood or plastic perform as you intend. Ask anyone here about prototype testing,  failures, unexpected performance, and "Ah Ha" moments. I wish you the best of luck, but I find making those adjustments easier to do on a pre-production unit. Good Luck,



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We shall see hopefully it works out this way. I know as far as getting the bait symmetrical, its spot on. I actually used a roman made outline and proportions to make mine. If it doesn't pane out I got plenty of silicone to make a new mold. Mold came out great. I am going to pour a resin prototype soon.

Based off a recommendation from a  good lure maker I went with Featherlite.


Edited by bassmaster7938
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