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We like Do-it Coffee Scent!! Took a good friend fishing last week.We were using our home made coffee scented baits had 15 crappie he had 0.He switched to the coffee scented baits we finished our limit.!!!We also add a pinch of glow powder to our baits think this helps the fish to see it better. He was using Bg baits.Not a Pro on a highly pressured lake.Have to take a number to fish a game and fish brush pile everyone has on their smart phone.Have to have baits you cannot buy at Wal-mart.





Edited by crappie fisherman
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Take a look at Pro Cure's products......


As said, I loved their Anise plus for personal use.  Garlic plus was a big seller, as well as the Predator oil for swimbaits.  

Stick with the oils as they mix well in the plastic (if that's what you intend to do.)  Stay away from the gels and sauces as some are water based and will sometimes cause a nice little explosion in your plastic.  LOL

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You will never get a definitive answer.  Some swear against oil based scent saying it does not dissolve in water, but some oil always does.  Some swear against water based scent saying it washes off too quickly, but you can apply more often.  Just add water based AFTER MOLDING while oil can be added to the hot plastic.

As for the actual scent, what works one day may or may not work on another day.  Different scents then what everyone else is using always helps.  Natural scents, like shad, may work better if shad are available, but in reality, I wonder how "shad like" the scent is once it is cooked in hot plastic.  LOL  Think raw steak verses grilled hamburgers.  As for Coffee scent, well it only goes to prove that a cover scent is more likely to work then a matching scent in some conditions. 

I have even seen Banana scent available.  Some guides won't even allow a banana on a boat so that thought of banana scent in a lure should be against the law.  Bet it works well because no one else will be using it.

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