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Silicon rubber molds

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Yea bro I've checked them out they do have tons of stuff. But I'm actually going to be making my own master mold and what I need to find is a silicon so I can cast my own lures that I'll be making. I'm just looking for someone that's done this before and had a good outcome using silicon and if someone can recommend a brand that would be huge for me. 



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My recommendation would be Alumilite High Strength RTV Silicone. It's $30 at hobby lobby but if you have the 40% off coupon it's like $18. I didn't do the math I'm just trying to recall from the last time I bought it. 


If you 100% want your mold to turn out without risk of improper measurements dump the whole catalyst into the silicone body. Its pre measured so you can't measure it wrong.

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To get the best results with alumilite HS2 you need to put it in a larger container and thoroughly (and I mean thoroughly) stir in the catalyst.  It might take a full minute of stirring to get it to that uniform off pink color/syrupy consistency.   Learned this with the 4th mold I made with it. 


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The only reason I was considering oommoo30 is because of the mold size I would like to make 9.5 inch in length x 4 inch in width x 2.5 inch in height it would be a 2 cavitie mold with 2 swimbaits one is 7.5 inch and the second is 6 inches I just want to make sure if it's enough material to cast the mold. I'd hate to come up short and waist the money. I'm also considering buying a 1/2 gallon of theirs any suppliers out thier that have good silicon for a decent price. 


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  • OK, I have poured dozens, maybe more, molds with Alumilite Silicone.  You have far more options for different stiffness's, strength, etc.  Some require degassing, some don't.  All benefit with degassing but if you pour slowly from a corner, or paint the surface with a thin coat before pouring, you get excellent results.

http://www.alumilite.com/      This will get you to where it all begins, including the How To videos.

http://www.alumilite.com/store/pg/47-Mold-Making-Alumilite-Mold-Making-Casting-Materials.aspx    This will get you to the basic mold making materials, of which most will probably work for you.

http://www.alumilite.com/store/p/918-QuickSet.aspx   This is a pretty basic material, stiff enough to hold its shape well, available at Hobby Lobby, available at other sources as well.  It has a link to the technical sheet.

https://www.alumilite.com/PDFs/New TDS/QuickSet.pdf     Max temperature of 395 degrees, but I find that it will handle more for a short period. 

http://www.alumilite.com/store/p/1029-Alumilite-s-High-Strength-1.aspx     More flexible, more tear strength, awesome material.  See link to technical data sheet

https://www.alumilite.com/PDFs/New TDS/High-Strength-1.pdf  395 degree max extended temperatures.

http://www.alumilite.com/store/p/921-Alumilite-s-High-Strength-3.aspx  Best for making one piece molds, but not good for foam pours or injection because it is so flexible.

http://www.alumilite.com/store/p/927-Plat-55.aspx     My favorite for injection molds and for foam pours.  Very dimensionally stable.

http://www.alumilite.com/store/p/1081-TRANS-40-Translucent-Silicone.aspx     An interesting option I have not tried yet.


Alumilite has videos, a help forum, technical support, etc.  It all boils down to determining what you need.

As for where to buy it?  Well, some of it is available from hobby stores, all from their web site, and much of it from Amazon.

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Thanks guys for all the help I also have another question. When I do pour the plastisol in the silicon molds for some reason I get a TON of small ari bubbles/half indentations all around the plastic lure am I doing something wrong. Like over heating the plastisol or not enough my mold is smoth on the inside atleast smoth enough to not have this amount of bubbles it's almost cloudy of so many bubbles. All I do is heat up the plastisol in the microwave add my colors and pour directly into the mold 



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