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Hi guys, I am looking at building a new drying wheel. I really like the style that looks like 1/2 pvc that has a screw fixed onto it to attach the lure then the pvc peg fits into the dryer to fit multiple lures. My question is how is the bottom hook hanger attached after it is removed from the screw. It appears that it is drilled out then a Rivet is inserted to clean up around the screw.  Then the screw eye is placed in the Rivet.  Can someone tell me if this is how it is done so I can insure maximum strength. Or point me out to a topic that has more info on this? Attached is an screenshot of svartzonkers wheel which is exactly what I want to do.





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This is a screw set up in the tail drill hole. Try this one that I've seen and use when I need to turn lures now. I even use them for painting now instead of helping hands.

Depending on your eye size use a exacto knife handle with a adpter glued on the bottom if the handle by thread or thread the handle (maybe). You can do your painting using the handle, locked to the belly eye and do your top coat then place it on the turner. Very useful way to do baits. It's a little pricey to buy a lot at first but if you buy as you go it's not bad.


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Have a thin nail embeded in small section of dowell inside pvc pipe section, you can have screw instead ,personaly i prefer a nail, screw can cause damage on way out but more secure.I put a touch super glue on nail for big gliders. When it comes to removal you can either crack the seal with a sharp twist or if you have epoxy build up cut round join with sharp blade first. When you drill hole for nail/screw ,drill shorter hole than length of screw eye. Insert screw eye with enough epoxy to fill hole and wipe excess. Hope this helps.......glider

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Lure Parts Online sells the "rivet" you are referring to.  They call it a screw eye base eyelet http://www.lurepartsonline.com/Online-Store/Screw-Eyes/Screw-Eye-Base-Eyelet.html

I also like the style turner that you posted above.  Does anyone know how the dowels are being held in place on this dryer?  I watched a few of the videos on his Instagram and don't see any screws or pegs holding them in.  I have a similar dryer where I used clips to hold the dowels but it gets hard to attach when a bunch of lures are on there.



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