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Laminate colors

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Hi, my firts post here.

Have just been lurking around in the shadows and watching you guys.

I have an problem for you.

The mold in question is Jacobs 1,5 inch stinger

I did make an lamiplate of thin metall sheet which cuts the stinger in two.

Took then one of the halves and put back and shot another collor, but the tails did really curl up and also about half the cavities did not fill properly.

I then took som more halfs and pinched of the tails , heated the mold and shot some more.

About 25 % came out without tails.

The halves was black an the second colour was pearl.

Is some coloures more difficult to work with than others?

What can be wrong doctor?


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I imagine the tails are very thin.   Might be getting blocked off with a metal sheet.

Things I'd try

1.  Aluminum foil sheet instead of thin metal--foil is more flexible and you will get more liquid plastic where you need it to go.

if that doesn't work

2.  shoot the tails first (shoot a lure without a laminate sheet, then cut the tails off and put them in the mold, then place the aluminum sheet in the mold and do the laminate process)

3.  Hand pour half the mold (except for the tail), then close the mold and shoot the rest with the other color.

4.  The last thing I'd consider, and don't recommend doing it unless absolutely necessary, would be to cut more channels in the mold or make the channels wider

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When you do this type of thing with a mold you might be blocking off the vents. If so then try to make new vents or just get a Twinjector and settle for a half and half bait. I have some molds that if I shoot the tails there is no vent left because the tail is blocking it. 

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