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Sagging Epoxy

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I over epoxied a bait and now it has a small build-up on the bottom edge of the bait. It's a shad body muskie bait and is about 8" long. Near the belly on one side only is where the "extra" epoxy is. I had it on the drying wheel, monitored it for bubbles and had heat applied and a 500 W lamp shining on the baits. The other baits are fine.

Here's the question, how can I remove this "extra sag" from the one side? I'd prefer not to re-coat it again. I was told to use a blow torch and heat it until it softens and runs. Has anyone tried that? I was also told to try grinding it off. I'm worried that will leave a hard to repair spot that will look even worse.

I'll spare the "brand name" for now so we don't go down that road, but if it's needed I'll tell later.

Thanks and cheers!

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Hey Lunge,

I have had this happen before too. From my experience.........yes you can reheat the Etex and allow it to move if it hasn't set up very far. Once it begins to set up tho the epoxy will start to burn before it will move. If this is the case allow the saggy coat to completely dry. Then file, yes I said file, the extra epoxy off, then lightly sand to get things back to the shape you want, recoat, and it will look as good as new. I use a file to save time, takes too long to reshape things with sandpaper alone.


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I agree with Jed on the filing. This has happened to me when building a rod. The motor stopped during the night and left sags on ALL the wraps :censored: .

When it was dry, I filed down the sag. Then used 2-3 different grades of sandpaper. Wipe it clean and recoat. None of the scratches or scuffes will show up. It will be as clear as glass.

This process does work. :D

Mr B

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