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Mike Broughton

Color for plastic

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I’m new to making plastic baits mostly for crappie. My question is any recommendations on colors or paints whatever you want to call them lol. I have some from lure works but I looked at some I like from do it molds but as y’all know this can cost a small fortune to get a lot of colors. Any recommendations on brand or any other advice would be much appreciated. 

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When you buy a plastic color...you get that color ...but some are "stonger" than others.

For example, X2 needs half the number of drops than the standard . Write down the # of drops per x oz. of plastic so you can repeat the results. I use a program called Evernote to keep all my notes and pics. 

And June Bug is another favorite color!



Clear with rainbow glitter.

Yellow Chartreuse




Edited by DaBehr
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Mike, my 2 pennies.  

Take a look at a color wheel, in fact get you one for the shop. It will help in working your colors and dealing with shades and tint.  It is easier to purchase the start colors like X2 JB but even with that you will be adjusting amount of colorant due to flake, salt, amount of plastic etc. 

Matching is good but developing your own color recipes maybe better. Just look at all the variations of manufactures June Bug.


good luck, have fun and stay safe

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Mike,  to start with i just bought junebug, green pumpkin sp 156 & various other colors from ispikeit.com already made & added the amount of drops it took to how ever many ounces of plastic i was heating to suit me for my version of colors i like. After that i ordered white, bllack, yellow , orange etc along with watermelon & a couiple different blues etc & experimented making small batches of what i thought certain colors may have in them & finally figured how to mix a bunch of different recipies by doing just this. Now although out of practice this winter thanks to working so much i can figure most common recipies that i will use out pretty quick. You can spend a lot of time doing just this, but nailing a hard color to figure out is huge part of the fun. There is also the soft plastic recipie book in the stickys section at the top that has some great recipies that you can easily make. Don't let it drive you crazy & enjoy it & you'll have it nailed pretty quickly.

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