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Reverse Engineered

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Thanks cadman. The bead in the middle stumped me. I just got back from testing, and I think the weight I put in the back should be where the bead is on the original. Looking at it again, I'm thinking the bead is both weight and clicker that slides on the shaft and clicks on those flower shaped star washers. I need to redesign a bit; cut the weight in half, widen the cutout in the middle, cut out the middle of the tube to make room for the weight. 

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If I blow on these things from the front or side, they spin like you'd expect. Put them in the water, and they want to hydroplane. Lots of wiggling going on, not much spinning. Has to be due to the water being so much denser than air. Rotation is being suppressed, and I'm getting lift, instead. The one with the weight on the rear was heavier, and only a little better. I wonder if this thing was supposed to be fished as just a spinner, with the real bait on the terminal end? By the way, found the lure. It's for sale on Etsy.  It's called a McHarg  Special Design.   https://www.etsy.com/listing/557853163/extremely-rare-mcharg-special-design?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=vintage&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=fishing lure&ref=sr_gallery-1-34

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