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Tungsten/Epoxy jigheads

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So, to not hijack the titanium wire thread anymore I figured I would start another thread on tungsten. Here is a pic of a tungsten shakeyhead that I made using sithered tungsten powder and epoxy with some Lure Craft GP for the GP color. Tried to duplicate the Keitech jigheads but I cannot get the density correct.







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I'm not sure what makes the Keitech heads different but I assumed all Tungsten was done the same way.  The hook is placed in a special mold and Tungsten powder along with nickel and/or copper is pushed into the mold under intense pressure that generates enough heat to melt the nickel and/or copper which binds the tungsten powder together. The process is called sintering, and as I mentioned before, I talked to someone who is familiar with Tungsten products and was told most Tungsten is done in low wage countries because it is a high cost process. I know Keitech Tungsten heads say made in Japan but they may follow a rule similar to the U.S. in which you can label imported products as made in country is the product is transformed in some way in this country.

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So spinnerbait and most jigheads made of tungsten in two parts like the two halves of a through wire crankbait. The hooks and wire are then added and like you said they somehow fuse them together. The Keitech ones are different as they are a mixture of powdered tungsten with epoxy. If you hold a Keitech head they feel plastic instead of metal. I know they are not a solid piece of metal as I have chipped chunks out of them hitting pilings.






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