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Oops Jig Skirt Recipe?

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Anyone have a recipe for the D & L Jigs Oops skirt?  I’m picture posting illiterate, but a google search will provide many pictures.

I much prefer frog hair skirts. If anyone has a source for frog hair tabs, in the oops colors, I would appreciate that information too.

Thanks in advance.

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First of all, I would call up D & L and ask them what the colors are and where they get their skirt tabs. That would be the easiest. Second of all if you are referring to frog hair skirts as the really fine flat silicone material, then I don't think you are going to find every color. But check out fishingskirts.com finesse skirts for colors. You can also send fishingskirts.com a jigs and they will match the colors for you and give you their numbers. Remember, you will not always be able to find what you want if it is a custom run just for D & L.

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It is 3 colors, they are all natures edge colors,  chartreuse watermelon, pumpkin, and watermelon. As for your preference for fine cut or frogs hair, well the good news is you can get it in those colors. The bad news is you will have to call Skirts Plus and order 1000 of each color to get it. If you go to the Skirts Plus website they tell you that fine cut silicone is not stocked, you need to order it special and minimum order is 1000 tabs per color. Now, you can get fine cut from Living Rubber company, they sell fine cut silicone but it is limited in what colors and there are no natures edge colors so if you want to make the "oops" skirt in fine cut you will need to special order it so 3 colors will run you a little over $600 but you'll have 3000 tabs.  Fishingskirts.com does not carry fine cut silicone, they carry finesse cut, it is the same width as a regular tab but only half as thick but still 20-22 strands per tab. Fine cut material also only has 20 strands per tab but the tabs are only 3/8" wide, if they were as wide as a regular tab there would be like 52 strands. So to make it clear, there isn't anyone who has natures edge colors in fine cut/frogs hair silicone, you will need to special order it, Barlow's has plain colors in fine cut material and Living Rubber has a few more but no natures edge.       http://www.skirtsplus.com/html/products.html

Edited by smalljaw
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I helped D&L out a few years ago.  You  are correct that all three colors are Natures Edge.  I can tell you the name of the color but here is the recipe based on Skirts Plus color numbers.  I build about 1000/month for my stuff.



22 (1 tab)- NE717

11 (1/2 tab)- NE715

11 (1/2 tab)- NE701

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