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has anyone ever tried making lures with this stuff? its so easy to shape and you can smooth it with your fingers. its lighter than balsa wood, and lacks the grain, making the ability to take details extremely good. its really porous so sealing it with spray on gloss is prolly the best idea. my dragonfly lure is made of this stuff and balsa wood. soon itll be done. has anyone else ever attempted a draagonfly pattern? its a common bass forage..dunno why no one would try!

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I've tried it, but didn't like it. That stuff chips and gouges when carving and makes a nasty orange mess when sanding. You have to seal it with epoxy to fill in all the holes before painting. But it is light and I was able to test baits before sealing. I prefer the real balsa wood.

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How would you mount the hardware? I am assuming molding foam baits works because you can mold a wire thru harness into the bait. I would also assume if you are working with a piece of pre-made foam you need to wire-thru also. Do you drill it, put in the wire then fill the holes back up with epoxy like you could do with wood? I am concerned the wire thru harness would tear the foam when you caught a fish.

I am thinking about using it to make some fly rod poppers. I used to use styrofoam to make them when I was a kid. It was pretty much one fish per lure, but I had more time on my hands back then.

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the balsa foam can be carved just like balsa or basswood. if you have through-wire construction you never hafta worry about the wire being ripped out of the bait. thast why through wire construction was invented..all the bait is really is a case around the frame. all the strain of the pulling fish is on the wire frame and not the bait itself. so long as the epoxy you use is strong enough and the lure is coated with enough of it, the wire will not bend or rip out(unless you hook some kind of alien squid monster. so long as you dont fish anywhere near bridgeport Ct you shouldnt have any problems.(lol)

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