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Using others bait photos in an auction or your website!!!???

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I'm not naming names but I had another TU member take my photos off my website and use them on his website :censored: .

Also used them in Ebay auctions :pissed: ....

I do have copyright on my website (so what really) but isn't this going just a little to far???!!!

I worked my tail off to get good photos plus had Mojo work a couple of them up!!!!

First it was no big deal but the more I think about it...the more it peavs me!!

Just needed to vent....and maybe give him/her a verbal lashing as that is probably the best I can do!!!


PS Sent a few emails and got no response except when I used a buddy to ask a ? through another email??!!!

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Sorry Jim, not much you can do about it on the great wide web :| But...that type of behavior will not be tolerated here at TU! All auctions hosted on TU will belong to each individual member. Pictures that do not belong to you will be removed.

You can add a no right click applet to your web site and they wont be able to save or copy them on you.

Do not do this!!!!!!!!! The only thing this will do is drive away customers!!! And anybody with knowhow can get around this. I'm not going to tell you how here, but there are several very simple ways. If someone wants them, they can get them :twisted:

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Jake is right, you can easily get around the right click deal.

I've just spent another hour or so adding my name into most of my pictures. At least it will be a little harder to "steal" them now!!! :censored:


Guess I also need to post ALL my recipes as this person will have to pour MY baits now!!!

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Unfortunately thats been happening on eBay ince its debut. its happened to me & my wife many times.

My best advise is to use a visible watermark over your photos.

Its easy to do with most graphics software using a layer with a light transparency/opacity.

Check the TU auction photos or photo gallery for an example, although I would put the watermark directly over the center of the image.

While we're on this subject I wanna remind everyone that its not permitted to post your photos here on TU then hotlink them to another board/website. I know its "your" photo, but its stored here & the bandwidth costs money Were not a free image hosting service.

Weve had this happen, many of whom simply didnt know any better, so no foul, hopefully it makes sense now.

good luck

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Man, that is bad. 8O8O8O8O Name the name & let the criminal be out in the open!!!! :pissed::pissed::pissed:

But like Red said, the only way to prevent it is to put a transperent watermark right across your pic with your company name across it. Spoils the pic a bit, but if it's faint enough but still discernable, it wouldn't spoil the pic too much and should prevent people from stealing it.

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Man that bites!!!! :pissed::twisted::pissed::censored:

Ive seen a few mentions of safeguards you can take that have already been brought up...Right click deny is the simplest but there are ways around it. Watermarking and layering the images in Photoshop or similar editing program is a bit more involved and can screw up the display of your pictures if not done properly.

There is a good thorough tutorial I found for protecting your images on the net, I can't find it right now but when I find it again I will post the link.

One of my biggest hobbies besides fishing is Photography and writting, I write articles for a local outdoors publication on occasion.

Stealing someone's images whether you claim them as your own or not is just WRONG and ILLEGAL without written consent by the owner/'s. Most of the time people think they have to register there photo's with the Copyright office before any action can be taken. That is true in alot of cases but not all...The tutorial also goes to explain this as well and tells you what type of action you can and can't take.

Like I said when I find the URL again I'll post the link I know it was in one of my recent photography magazines.

Either way I think you need to email the link to your page and the offending persons link to the Mods and let them take care of him concerning this board!

Just my .02...

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Sorry to hear about that Jim. That just flat out SUCKS!!!

For those of you who don't do Ebay, I can certainly sympathize with Jim. It takes time to not only MAKE the baits, but to take that "perfect" picture and list your auctions can be a real pain in the rear. Not to mention package your stuff and ship them to the buyer, THEN find out your pictures are stolen???!! :huh:

Definitely NOT good. Hope we never see that again. :censored:

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eBay has safegurads against this. You should consider filing a complaint with them if your website is copyrighted. I bet they will remove his posts. I have filed complaints in the past and they are pretty quick to reply. Just be sure to be very thourough in your explaination.

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OK....I have had contact with the individual and he is going to make things right!!! Just wished he would have asked as I could have altered the colors a little in Photoshop and let them go for a temp shot!!!

Guess it just caught me at a bad time but Chris is right...not only do you have to pour a nice bait but you also have to work out the picture thing AND if all of you remember...I went through a tough phase with my camera!!!!

All is good now and I have "painstakingly" put my name in most of my bait photos.

I did add a blurb to my auctions on Ebay that my pictures were being used in other similar auctions and to "beware" of the bait you may get as it definitely will NOT look like the picture!!!! I mean my green pumpkn was in a roadkill camo auction???!!!

I still can't get roadkill camo right :lol: but if you guys can, do you mind posting a picture or 2???? :wink:


PS Maybe I should ask for a couple of "comp" bags of baits or a few jigs in return for the business my bait pictures brought in...ASS.U.M.ING more business came in :lol:

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Ok guys, I used the photos without permission. I did appologize to Jim in 3 separate messages. I should have asked for permission but I'll honestly say I didn't realize it was an unethical thing to do. Truthfully, my son stuck a Cheerio into my USB port and it is FUBAR, I removed them from the site and put a notation on the bottom of the auctions. Won't happen again. Jim I am sorry about this. If you want some jigs, let me know, no problem. Not looking to have anyone angry at my ignorance.

And guys who are calling for a lynching, for a second stop and realize we are all copying someone elses ideas and many of us are making money off of them.

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We all make mistakes :(

Way to step up to the plate and admit it...to a hostile crowd none the less 8O


Now that that's out of the way, all the negatives have been said. Any negative posts to this thread will be removed! Let's get back to making baits :!:

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