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electrostatic powder paint guns

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Thanks for all the info. Alright here is my next question I am going to build a metal plate with alot of toothpick type things sticking out to put bullet weights on and paint a large quanity at a time, can I attach the cable to the metal plate and it still work on all the weights or will it kinda fade as you get further away from the connection.

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I have been trying to figure out what I could use for the metal picks and what I came up with was these things. screw a bunch of small long screws in and push the weights on, I also thought of mounting the metal plate upside down and using wire to go through the plate and hang the weights but now to sure how great of a connection that would make. What do you think gtlegs? By the way did you get your createx paint yet? Hopefully my PP will come in monday

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If you just used some finish nails that the weights would slide on, you could just drill holes all the way through the plate, stick the nails through the plate and just let the plate sit down and hold the head of the nails. I dont know if I explained it so I hope you get the idea... I have not received the paint yet, but Im sure it will be here tomorrow.

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