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Clevis question?

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Wazup everybody. Wanted to ask a question. Was looking at Stamina's online catalog earlier and saw they offer quik change clevises. One problem with building spinnerbaits it that you can't change the front blade. So, if you're fishing a DW and really killin'em, and then lose that bait, you usually only have a completely different blade pair left in your box. I was thinking; wouldn't it be easier to make the clevis a quick change, and then change out the front blade out on the water as needed? Then you need to have 10 similiar colored spinnerbaits with different blade combos, you could just carry a box of blades with you on the water and then modify the bait to the conditions? Think they would work for SBs, say in the medium size?

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Hi Dockboy-

I've tried it with so-so results. First, you need to be sure the inside diameter of the hole in the clevis is large enough to allow it to spin on the wire shaft. Even with adequate clearance, in my experience, the quick change clevis didn't spin as freely as I would have liked. Also, I lost lots of blades somewhere in between the spinnerbait leaving from and returning to my rod tip. What the heck- give it a try. It may work fine for you!

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I've used quick change clevises on the first(smaller) blade of tandem spinnerbaits - I haven't had problems with them spinning but haven't fished them enough to see if losing blades is a problem. I got mine out of Rollie & Helen's musky shop and they are just a tad too small for .051 wire, I had to 'bore' them out a hair to work. They'd work fine for anything smaller diameter. With a snap swivel on the main blade you have durn near endless possibilities. Later.

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