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Hi all my first hard bait question on featherlite plastic

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I have a lure I'm wanting to make that I need a hard body that I plan to when cover with soft plastic.

I need it to be very bouyant. I tried regular featherlite inside the bait and it sank. What I want to know from you hard bait guys that use featherlite is can I add floater bubbles to this stuff?

I want to mold it around the hook then put that in another mold and pour the soft plastic around that. It need to be very bouyant because I had to add a small piece of lead in the belly of the bait to get it to float right side up. I know it will work because a made one out of a piece of balsa wood that I glued to the hook and added the pencil lead to and it worked great, floated right side up and high in the water. But I dont want to carve them all, so I need something that will pour or and least mold somehow.

Tnx for any help with this; Da Fishy

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If the buoyancy part of the lure could be re-positioned higher up, it would serve the same purpose as the lead by keeping the lure in the right attitude. If this worked, you could eliminate the lead, this would give you more lee way with your buoyancy problem and choice of materials.

Just my thoughts.

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you can buy featherlite "A" and "B" and get micro-balloons to add as filler. Featherlite by itself, as you stated, will sink. you will need to use about 80-90% micro balloons in both A and B. This will allow the bait to float (assuming all of the homework was done). Even with the balloons added, it will take very little weight before the baits starts to sink. If you can get the mixture to accept more balloons the better the bait will float, but the mix will be so thick that pouring becomes a problem. hope this helps ya.

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