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Problem With Pouring Poision Tail Jig

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I just started to make my own jigs. I started the other night with some round head jigs it went well now I am puring some poision tail jigs and the bottom portion of the jig does not fill in with lead the head and eyes turn out great. Does anyone have suggestions? Lead not hot enough? My Molds are warmed and smoked with a candle.

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It sound to me like your lead is not hot enough. I started out pouring lead using a small ladle and a pot and I had to get the lead really really hot. Now I pour using a Lee 10lb pot with the nozzle on the bottom, setting 8 and I get very few bad pours anymore (500 heads maybe 3 or 4 bad). If this is your problem look at Midway USA, the prices are much better than anywere else I looked.

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I would say the lead is not hot enough at first but if you are still having a problem you might want to cut a small vent from the shorted spot. I think the newer molds they make have tighter specs. no room for air to leave. use a dremel or just a razer knife to cut a grove. keep in mind that using a blade may leave the metal raised a little. might have to sand the cut with fine sand paper. I have done this in some of my mold and it has fixed my problems. I do not smoke my molds but it have been good for a lot of other people on the tu. I always heat the mold before pouring.

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Youn haven't mentioned what type of lead you are using. Old tire weights are possibly the worst source to use because they are not as pure or soft as plumbers lead or a sleeve used for telephone communications. The wheel weights will cause many headaches with partial pours.The phone sleeves weigh about 30lbs. I just melt them down into more manageable sizes. Sometimes salvage yards are a good source for lead. I have found thin sheets of lead that were easy to work with at these yards....Larry

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