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What the Hell

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it's really obvious that the fish is only fed every now and then. You can see the fish staring out the tank as the guy gets the mouse. He knows it's feeding time. He could have put a small kitten in there and the fish would have eaten it, bass will eat just about anything they can fit in hteir mouths and from experience, sometimes things that won't fit in their mouths

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You would be surprised, but bass are eating machines. The one I had in a tank grew to over three pounds in a year. He would eat until he could not swim. I would buy 24 gold fish and put them in his tank, and he would not stop until he had every last one in his mouth. I swear I thought he was going to drown himself one day. I can not count the number of aquarium lids he broke tring to get at things out side the tank.


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I caught a young largemouth 7 inches long in the creek behind my house last fall and kept it in my 10 gallon tank over the winter. I started out feeding it regularly with crickets, mealworms and crawlers but it needed some larger prey. So off to the pet shop I went and got some feeder goldfish. Dumped a dozen, yes thats 12 two inch goldfish in the tank and they were all gone in 20 under seconds. He ate a dozen like that every five days never once leaving a straggler. WHEN A BASS IS HUNGRY IT WILL EAT ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING IT CAN FIND, FAST!

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