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  1. begs

    Do It Mold Sealer

    http://www.jannsnetcraft.com/Search/seal%20coat.aspx Here is the link to what I was talking about, might have helped before
  2. Saw that do it mold has had a crankbait sealer, also have it in UV anyone try this yet, just ordered the uv sealer, going to give it a shot see how it works. Let me know if you tried it what are your thoughts.
  3. begs

    jerk bait

    Thanks man, I just did another one, ill post tonight
  4. Just did my first dip tonight on a hard bait and also on a couple tungsten jigs for ice fishing, before I go to bed I'm going to do a second dip let sit the turn them
  5. ok guys, I am going to pick some of the gst this weekend, would it hurt to turn it at all? also I will be doing the gst treatment on ice jigs after a powdercoat finish, and a paint finish as well
  6. begs

    Devcon 1St

    I deal with acetone everyday at work that stuff is some wicked stuff on plastic, I def would get it in and out asap
  7. begs

    Devcon 1St

    Thanks guys just painted and epoxied another bait tonight. See how I did and do with it on Mon
  8. begs

    Devcon 1St

    @ned yea I was doing some reading on that, thanks
  9. begs

    Devcon 1St

    Awesome thanks guys after painting my first bait it ended up chipping I will pick up some sandpaper this weekend that way I have it on hand if I have to repaint anything
  10. begs

    Devcon 1St

    River, they are plastic. I will also be doing wood soon. As of right now it's plastic only
  11. begs

    jerk bait

    slow rise jerk bait, went with a walleye type color pattern, this is my first painted bait
  12. begs

    jerk bait

    slow rise jerk bait, went with a walleye type color pattern, this is my first painted bait
  13. begs

    Devcon 1St

    Ok guys still getting new to this have 2 baits painted and finally got some blanks that came in. so you epoxy the blank first the scuff sand. if that is the case what grade sand paper? or just paint then epoxy, and how many coats of epoxy do you use?
  14. After working so much and finally getting all my stuff and some paints and getting paints thinned right. Finally got my fist bait done, was gong for a walleye type look, bare with me as its is my first one and still getting used to the airbrush.
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