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  1. Those are all just beautiful examples! Blackjack? How do you do your Gill and fin detail? decal or template? GREAT WORK! Chip
  2. It will run 2 - 5 feet on 10 - 12 lb. test. To film it, My son was walking down a dock and I was following along trying not to walk into the water while looking through the view finder of the camera... LOL It easily cranks to 5 ft. and has a nice slow rise.... And you can rip it in.. its very stable a higher rates of retrieve. Chip
  3. Super Nice Job Terry! Chip
  4. MR. Moderator: Please Dont Delete - This is not an ADVERTISEMENT Guys... here is a better film of the C-bait running through the water: http://carolinachipinfo.home.comcast.net/cbaitcccl.mpg If you want to learn to make one, just let me know. Regards Chip [/url]
  5. B&B... would love to see the photos.... Jed... There is a scale pattern, but it is washed out in the photo. It is a pearlesent green with a pearlesent Mediterr... blue scale painted through mesh. The pearlesent paints cause it to change color from green to blue flash on retrieve. Thats because I paint a thicker top layer that hides the undercoat at an angle. The undercoat only shows from a straight on view. I will make a tutorial sometime. Its a nice holographic type effect. PS.... I really do like your fish print lures (and everyones)... Its just too time consuming for me to make them. I need to look into having those type images printed on a shrink wrap tube film... Then just heat then down to the bait and topcoat..... Rapala is doing something similar to this.... Chip
  6. Jed: Thats a real handsome lure. Did you use a glued on print out - or is it painted? I was curious how to get that true bluegill look through an airbrush? Check out the bluegill on the bottom left of this page: http://www.ligtel.com/~jjbaird/taxwork.htm I dont want to paint taxidermy quality, just looking for that mix.... Thanks Chip
  7. This is my version but I am wanting to go to some browns and golds.... I alway end up with a "Black" lure.... Whats your recipe? Thanks Chip
  8. Yah... LOL that hat was made by a farmer in Siberia who subsidizes his income through trapping and making these hats. I got this hat through a Russian friend for $40 American. That FOX hat would cost close to $600.00 here. I just bought it for the looks it gets! LOL Anyway, I sent the Russian farmer a whole Plano tacklebox full of lures... We now exchange emails when he has electricity. Here is my take on ice fishing: Click the link: Grits On Ice Its an anti cabin fever sanity thing! REGARDING DETAIL We pay attention to detail because of the pride in craftsmanship we have. How real or convincing can we make it? I believe that sometimes detail may count at times.... but 99% of the time it is shades of color, BAIT ACTION, sound and castability are to key factors in catching fish. It can be the prettiest lure in the world! You will catch a fsherman, but when he uses it and the action stinks...... well what good is it :oops: On the other hand if its pretty and runs well... you will catch both fish and fisherman..... Thats why LuckyStrike is so popular and expensive... Those lures will CERTAINLY catch fish.... but they catch the fisherman for $17.00 a pop on a mass produced lure first.... Man...WHAT A PROFIT MARGIN!!! I would be paying more attention in designing one really good running bait before I ever worried about the color pattern. Retrieve Quality Is Job One. I mean this all friendly of course.... and it is just my opinion. Take Care Friends! Chip
  9. More Detail Catches More Fishermen's $! CHip
  10. Yah... never kept a bass here.... We get pretty passionate about our fav. fish. Nice photo though. Chip
  11. Nice Muskie !! I used to Barracuda fish in the Atlantic. Granddad owned deepsea boats. Since I moved to Michigan and started Pike Fishing, I learned real quick where not to stick your hand... (gills or mouth) Anyway, yet to catch a big lake muskie.... though did catch a smaller tiger muskie in the spring in an inland lake. Chip
  12. I had it happen on one bait and it was my own. It was a plastic trap. When using devcon, I had one wood bait do this as well. I had missed a spot where I glued the dive lip in and the layer delaminated right at the lip. I would think it is a freak thing and would not put to much worry into it. Thats two baits out of hundreds.... I dont think you have a problem... just an incident. Chip
  13. Either.. primer too thick or water under bait surface.... This can happen with Devcon or Etex. I would ask to see the lure if you will be replacing it. Lures are not indestructable, but the people who buy them think they are.... Part of knowing how to cast a bait.... These peole also get hung in the trees alot! LOL Look for marks where it was slammed into a rock, etc.... I always one coated etex... why the three? Chip
  14. Chip

    Lure Movie

    Thanks Maddox... you know I like your lures!... _____________________________________________________ So if anyyou want to try them.... 1/4 thick inch Jutlong Wood / 2.5 inches long. .155 oz lead coffin lip extending 1/4 inch out from bait. AW..... and an EnviroTex Coating! ...... I coat these with my own formulation of topcoat, but etex or devcon will work fine. I show how I make the larger C-Baits Here (Not an Ad for you Guys... just check out the pictures) : http://carolinachip.home.comcast.net/c_bait_pro_lure.htm _________________________________________________________ I sent a mailing for these out on the Pro Circuit and got quite a few request for them. Yall take care! Chip
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