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Munkin last won the day on March 29

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  • Birthday 05/15/1975

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  1. Munkin

    Wire Size

    22 works best for regular silicone, 24 for fine cut. Allen
  2. Fishingskirts.com or Hobby Lobby. Allen
  3. The angle that the wire is coming out of the head is low. Try bending the wire from the current 2-3 o'clock to about 1. Allen
  4. This is the chart I use as a reference guide when someone asks for a "crayfish" colored bait. Allen
  5. Smallest one doesn't fit and is too big for most Ned baits. Allen
  6. Issue is to achieve the weight you want the mix needs to be like 90%+ Tungsten powder to epoxy. The mixture is too thick to pour into a cavity for a bait. For example the 1/4oz shakeyhead Do-It mold cavity I tried made about a 1/16oz Tungsten epoxy head. They actually came out great but way under weight for what I wanted. Allen
  7. KBS spray can is great for spinnerbait blades but I wouldn't use it on the baits you listed. If you are just making a few baits for yourself that make contact with rocks I recommend Devcon 2 ton 30 minute epoxy. For airbrushed baits that don't regularly contact rocks KBS Diamond Clear works but has its draw backs. KBS is finicky when it comes to storage? I have had some dry up in a week and some still good after 8 months. Allen
  8. Jewell has always used Mustad hooks in the past. Personally I like the 32798 Mustad for all finesse jigs. Looking at that jig its just made with fine cut silicone, nothing special about it IMO. Allen
  9. I wish they made the 32833 with a longer eye length. Allen
  10. These are the manufacturers of the blades. Smaller quantities try Jann's Netcaft, Barlow's Tackle, or Lurepartsonline. Allen
  11. You want metal leader sleeves the next diameter up from the wire size you are using. Allen
  12. Not an inline expert but my guess is that the blade in too big compared to the weight of the bait. I have seen this happen with spinnerbaits when a blade is too big or close to the line tie point. Allen
  13. Looking at the colors I would agree with fishingskirts.com. Allen
  14. Tried calling him several times over the past 3 months and never heard from him. If anyone has his Paypal address please PM me so I can send him some money to help. Allen
  15. Same here, I have 75% less issues pouring in cold weather than the hot humid summer. Allen
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