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Everything posted by basscatlildave

  1. I usually let them sit for an hour or so then bag em up with scent. By the way I have made some threw em in a bag and went fishing 15 minutes later.
  2. To my knowledge all molds have a standard 5/8 port so any injector can shoot anybodys mold.
  3. http://deadmeatcustoms.com/products/eyes/
  4. I know Do-It sells blanks that you can do yourself.
  5. Yes sir. I like yours better
  6. I don't think you could use that in a microwave.
  7. https://www.tacklewarehouse.com/Winn_Grips_Superior_Rod_Wrap/descpage-WINNGRI.html?from=gshop&gclid=CjwKCAiAws7uBRAkEiwAMlbZjpp_JJJK6P-umdXgW-ufbi5X1mDu42OM-ANu65tOxEBb-peznPjWMxoCAu8QAvD_BwE
  8. I still have some and I can check if you like
  9. Chris does a great job. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCScpvPNtZxs7gC_lSHXDUcw
  10. https://www.amazon.com/WEFOO-Silicone-Measuring-Making-Handmade/dp/B07R9TF7SC/ref=sr_1_7?keywords=silicon+cups&qid=1566923150&s=gateway&sr=8-7
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