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Everything posted by Diybassfishing

  1. To chime in I have been playing around with a lot of differnt brands of tungsten lately and have come up with a few theories. And one comes from a strike king wight I found that had started to rust slightly, at first I thought it was just from the DS hanger but after I looked at it closer I found it spotting rust. This I'm sure is a clue to the manufacturers proses. I believe they alloy the tungsten or add powdered tungsten to or with Tin this allows them a 100% lead free product wile making the manufacturing proses cheeper so they don't need an expenseive arc forge. And I'm sure different companies use different metals to pair with the tungsten but I think this is a fairly close bet.
  2. The dangers of tungsten toxicity is the same as most any kind of heavy metal. I think what they are talking about is manufacturer wasts like, tungsten dust, salts, and cast off, being released into the air and environment causing toxic interactions. All heavy metals including gold and platinum cause heavy metal toxicity, there just not easly absorbed into the body or eco system as lead is. But it is possible and there is some information about metals such as tungsten and platinum thought of as non-toxic causing heavy metal poisoning.
  3. Thanks for the help!...how well does the heavy woods or rosin clean the metal of contaminants?
  4. I flux with "20 Mule Team Borax" it's available at any dollor general store and cheap for how much you need. And works really well. Stir it in to molten lead and spoon out oxidation and debris. It clumps it all up realy well too.
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