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Soft Plastic Warning

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i would probably have to sue the people who made the gloves you were wearing they evidently were defective. i have stuck my hand in hot plastic twice and i told myself there wont be a next time...LOL. but i never did blister up like that. the 2nd time it happened i had a nephew helping and he bumped into me and shot a half an injector full into my gloved hand. i did just like the 1st time and stuck it immediately into ice water and left it there for over an hour until it was numb then peeled off the plastic and filled a latex glove with antibiotic creme and put that on my hand then wrapped a gallon freezer bag with ice in it around my hand and taped it on my forearm and let it sit until the ice melted overnight. to make it shorted no blisters just alot of redness and heat sensitive for a couple of days then back to making baits. my wife swears its because my hands are usually dried out from concrete that there isnt any moisture to boil under the skin...she may be on to something there but all in all always wear 2 gloves 1 on each hand!!

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Munkin, you're lucky, the first time it happened to me, I immediately took the other hand and tried to wipe it off and wouldn't you know it two burnt hands instead of one. If you can pour wearing gloves then you definitely need to. That's one thing I can say for the Lee pots, they're real temperamental to operate, but you don't have much plastic coming out so burns are kept to a minimum. When it happened to me, I was using a big pot with about 5 lbs of pressure behind it. It all happened so fast I didn't even have time to think, but I bet you were like me, it didn't take long to figure out it was hot did it? Keep it clean and dry and I hope you heal up soon.

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