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An Actual Plastics Cookbook

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Hello everyone, I wanted to share my actual soft plastics cookbook.

I have searched every website and search engine of recipes and put them into a document. I then made an Excel spreadsheet with the names and page numbers, then sort from A-Z so I can search the recipe names by name, which gives me the page number that it is on. The reason I didn't put them in alphabetical order was because I took them from multiple sites and everyone posts different recipes.

When I add another recipe or page, I add it to the Excel contents and resort, then replace those pages.

I have all of the pages in clear page protectors to protect them from spills, etc. I also have some blank pages in the back to make notes to add later. I also made sure not to have a recipe split up between 2 pages.





























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Bryan, I never said I wouldn't. I will send both the Word document and the Excel table if contents to anyone that requests it.

I'm here to get help and give it. I'm not greedy, I just took the time to put it together. You will still have to buy the notebook and sheet covers if you choose to do so as well as keep up with new recipes sorting in the contents page.

I also make notes out to the side on some of these. If I change something or add something I like I pull the sheet out and mark those changes and put it back in for safety.

Just send me an email to awestarcustombaits@yahoo.com and I'll send it to anyone who wants it! I will be making updates to it weekly with my own.

Just remember, when you speak of me, speak well! Lol ;)

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Dakota, these are base recipes that I have compiled from searching all over the internet. These are individual recipes as well as mine mixed in. If the original Chef put that information down, then yes its on there as well as which company the color came from.

I make notes out to the side for myself and my recipes, and I use MF Plastic so I do not note that since I made the cookbook for myself. I made this for me, but do not have a problem sharing it however I use my colors and make adjustments off of that.

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Hey guys, ive got some questions from you about how the contents page match up with the pages that the recipes are on.

Your going to have to keep up with this to keep it right. When I add notes out to the side, or a new recipe all together, I update them once a week. The written notes I type in nice and neat, then reprint that page and make sure the tabler of contents match.

I pull the old pages out and repalce them with the new in the plastic sheet protectors.(Which by the way has saved me many times from getting wet/plastic poured on it)

When I add a new recipe, I just put it on the bottom of the last page or start a fresh page, add that recipe to the contents page then sort them from A-Z.

Now, you don't obviously have to do this, but if you want to keep it nice and neat for your records, then you will have to take the time to update these steps.

I appreciate the thank you's for this, as I don't mind at all sharing. I appreciate everyone here helping everyone else and I am just glad as a new member to help in such a significant way.


Awe Star Custom Baits

Edited by AweStarCustomBaits
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