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Stirring tool

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I have multiple gallon jugs of plasitol that have been sitting and are completely separated.  I was thinking of getting a paint shaker but see 2 problems with that idea. 1) air bubbles. 2) modifying the shaker clamps to hold a plastic jug.  Has anyone solved these problems with a shaker?  

I have a rod attached to drill with cable ties on the rod at intervals but it doesn’t scrape the very bottom of the jug and it’s a PIA to hold a drill for 20 minutes barely pulling the trigger.  

is there some tool out there that will help me slow stir without having to hold the drill in hand during the process?  

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I use a metal coat hanger. I make an L but turn the bottom back towards the vertical part forming a second wire about an inch above the base. That gives me a bottom scrubber and a mixer just above the bottom.  It fits in a gallon jug.  An electric drill does the work.


Edited by Jig Man
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8 hours ago, Painter1 said:

Thank you, Gentlemen.  I don’t know what to pour the material back into after mixing in a 5 gallon bucket.  I’ll try the coat hanger. 

Get a lid with the jug and leave the plastic in it.  Makes it much easier to keep it mixed.  If there's only a gallon or two you can just pour it into your pyrex, if there's more than that just use something to dip it out or use a turkey baster.

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