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Chrome powder

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Anybody know of a chrome powder paint that comes out nice and bright.  Have found a few and wondering if they come out shiny or dull like most of the chrome spray paints. Have found a few that say you have to put a clear over them and if you clear them will  they still stay bright.  Some of the spray paints come out pretty good then if you clear them they dull right up.  Thanks in advance, Arne.

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You may want to try a floor wax midcoat before a final topcoat. The floor wax does help chrome spray paints keep their shine better. I don't know why it wouldn't work with a chrome powder paint.

See the post linked below and the Engineered Angler's past videos on Youtube where he tries different chrome paints, mid coats and topcoats. The links to videos are also in the post linked below.





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The chrome  looks really nice.  Directions say not uv stable.  Added a clear powder over it and takes a bunch of the shine away.  Directions also say put a clear on if exposed to uv. So will make some up, wait til summer, take em out on the boat and leave them exposed.  See how they hold up.  Am thinking they will probably be alright if you keep them in a box til ready to use them.  Then see how the ones I use stand up to sitting out afterwards.  They tend to get left out when changing lures, sit on the dash of the pontoon til the next time I need one.  Will try to remember to post how they work out.  Will probably be in Aug. or later.  Arne.

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