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If Not MF Who Will You Order From?

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Alright , Enough of this BS about M-F Manufacturing, with all due respect to you guys, this goes out to M-F, your Father, Grandfather or Founder who  started something Golden ! Obviously! Which in fact still out performs all the others that have been TRYING to follow in their footsteps and failing repeatedly to reach M-F’s level , it does not take years to (so I keep hearing) RELOCATE a profitable company, and in doing so cutting off all supply! Bs!, I was pouring M-F in  55 gallon drum(s) yearly, back in the 90’s and I can’t imagine someone destroying the Leader of this industry, and that being said, Dear M-F , Pull your head out, put your big boy pants on and get your sh.t together, Supply your loyal clients from the Big Name Distributors to the Weekend Warriors and most importantly all the way to The Creative Hands where all of this began, get them what they need! OR SELL your Golden Goose to the wiser who will !  Easier still ! Give me a price and let’s just say I put together some knowledgeable investors like the Ladies and Gentlemen in this forum and done!  So now no more BS, Or is it more profitable to starve them and sell them only pints and ounces? Food for thought Anglers

Edited by Rjbaits
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5 hours ago, Rjbaits said:

Alright , Enough of this BS about M-F Manufacturing, with all due respect to you guys, this goes out to M-F, your Father, Grandfather or Founder who  started something Golden ! Obviously! Which in fact still out performs all the others that have been TRYING to follow in their footsteps and failing repeatedly to reach M-F’s level , it does not take years to (so I keep hearing) RELOCATE a profitable company, and in doing so cutting off all supply! Bs!, I was pouring M-F in  55 gallon drum(s) yearly, back in the 90’s and I can’t imagine someone destroying the Leader of this industry, and that being said, Dear M-F , Pull your head out, put your big boy pants on and get your sh.t together, Supply your loyal clients from the Big Name Distributors to the Weekend Warriors and most importantly all the way to The Creative Hands where all of this began, get them what they need! OR SELL your Golden Goose to the wiser who will !  Easier still ! Give me a price and let’s just say I put together some knowledgeable investors like the Ladies and Gentlemen in this forum and done!  So now no more BS, Or is it more profitable to starve them and sell them only pints and ounces? Food for thought Anglers

Agreed.  And honestly I'd be happy to be one of those investors, but I think we are way past that by now.  No telling what's in stock there. 

Nice first post, btw  <_<

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From the way things look, it seems like Jeff is retiring and MF won't be around much longer. 


Interesting thing to note, several MF colours are now available from LureWorks on their new website www.shoplureworks.com in the classic colorants section, under the soft plastic colorants tab ;)



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16 hours ago, alsworms said:

Agreed.  And honestly I'd be happy to be one of those investors, but I think we are way past that by now.  No telling what's in stock there. 

Nice first post, btw  <_<

Thanks, still believe M-F should be carried on by others, now may I ask for opinions on other brands of plastic for:  clear freshwater applications, very soft, floating, non ph (if available) no odor- next best thing to the above mentioned, everyone has their own taste and needs to meet I understand however I would like to hear them and why , plus where to purchase them, thanks to all in advance, great forum.

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On 12/16/2024 at 10:57 AM, Rjbaits said:

Thanks, still believe M-F should be carried on by others, now may I ask for opinions on other brands of plastic for:  clear freshwater applications, very soft, floating, non ph (if available) no odor- next best thing to the above mentioned, everyone has their own taste and needs to meet I understand however I would like to hear them and why , plus where to purchase them, thanks to all in advance, great forum.

After trying other brands, I have almost exclusively used M-F through the years. I'm also on a quest for a quality plastisol Your  question about a phthalate free plastic though had me doing some research. I did find that Do It and LureCraft both sell a  "Phthalate Free" plastisol. A bit pricier than other suppliers but on par with what M-F prices were. With LureCraft their smallest container was 5 gallons. LureCrast's price for 5 gallons was about the same as Do-It for 2 gallons.

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On 12/24/2024 at 10:59 AM, hpssports said:

From my understanding, Jeff was in an accident shortly after they relocated & is recovering. He's supposed to be slowly making his way back into the shop after Christmas.


On 12/24/2024 at 10:15 PM, mark poulson said:

I hope he gets well quickly, and can resume his work.

Likewise. IMHO the MF products were the best. There may be a lot of detractors here, all who I'm sure have their reasons, but seems to me there are still a bunch of people here pulling for him to make the business into the success it was, and still could be.

His health, or anyone's health comes first, then onto  rebuilding the business.

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I've been laid up for a year with a broken ankle.  I finally got out into the shop this week.

I had 3/4th of a gallon of Baitplastics #292 med. hard that had been sitting all that time.  It had separated to clear on the top half, and thick white on the bottom half.

I stirred it for two minutes, and it totally remixed like it was new.

I'll be pouring again next week, adding some heat stabilized and salt like I always do, and I'll report back how it behaves.

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Placed an order with MF this morning. Small order. Let's call it a test order for my two favorite colors.

On the payment page this is what was written...

"At this time we do not charge your credit card until your order is ready to ship. There are several items that are out of stock, we are seriously short handed and there are some family health issues. We will ship your order as fast as we can. You can reach out to us with the information below. We should be able to find some help eventually, we think everyone understands how it is to find good help."

We will see how it goes. And I will report back.

I have my LureCraft plastisol that just came in. First time trying it. Have my glass sandblasting beads on order. A couple new molds on order. Almost ready to start cranking up production. Hip replacement next month so after that I'll have lots of time to play with plastic.

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On 1/12/2025 at 7:42 AM, Tiderunner said:

Placed an order with MF this morning. Small order. Let's call it a test order for my two favorite colors.

On the payment page this is what was written...

"At this time we do not charge your credit card until your order is ready to ship. There are several items that are out of stock, we are seriously short handed and there are some family health issues. We will ship your order as fast as we can. You can reach out to us with the information below. We should be able to find some help eventually, we think everyone understands how it is to find good help."

We will see how it goes. And I will report back.

I have my LureCraft plastisol that just came in. First time trying it. Have my glass sandblasting beads on order. A couple new molds on order. Almost ready to start cranking up production. Hip replacement next month so after that I'll have lots of time to play with plastic.

 Way back when I used LC plastisol - I really like it - but it hard packed after a few days if not stirred. So keep that in mind you may have to mix it a lot if it is the same as it was years ago.

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Happy new year to all.

I've been watching the website checking the availability of my staple colours in larger volumes. 

Ordered a quart of one and a gallon of another last week. I left a note in the checkout for the availability of another colour listed as out of stock but kindly asked to adjust the invoice if there was a gallon laying around . They either didn't read it or they were OOS.  Invoice payment request arrived within a few days,  I see that USPS has it going through their facilities on the long journey to Australia today. 

With the unfortunate circumstances the family is going through, along with no employees and family health issues it was very quick service

Just hope the business picks up once again


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On 1/13/2025 at 8:50 AM, Bass-Boys said:

 Way back when I used LC plastisol - I really like it - but it hard packed after a few days if not stirred. So keep that in mind you may have to mix it a lot if it is the same as it was years ago.

I have tried just about every brand. So I'm sure at some point I must have used LC plastisol. I typically beat the daylight out of my gallon jugs, so not too worried about hard pack. The cost for the LC stuff was about the same as MF.

And while on the subject of MF. I haven't been charged yet. So I'll continue to wait.

Hope all works out well for them. Getting their health back is more important than a gallon of plastisol.

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Received an email from UPS that a package delivery from MF Manufacturing is scheduled for delivery tomorrow. !/18.

Not bad. I ordered last Sunday. This is just my colorants from MF that nobody else has in volume that I got tired of ordering binky 2 oz bottles from other places. Seeing how smoothly this went. I will go over MF's list of colors they have that show in stock, and send another order.

Now if only there was plastisol available from them.

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On 1/4/2025 at 4:55 PM, mark poulson said:

I've been laid up for a year with a broken ankle.  I finally got out into the shop this week.

I had 3/4th of a gallon of Baitplastics #292 med. hard that had been sitting all that time.  It had separated to clear on the top half, and thick white on the bottom half.

I stirred it for two minutes, and it totally remixed like it was new.

I'll be pouring again next week, adding some heat stabilized and salt like I always do, and I'll report back how it behaves.

The Baitplastics med hard that had sat for over a year and separated worked just fine once I stirred well.

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On 1/13/2025 at 8:50 AM, Bass-Boys said:

 Way back when I used LC plastisol - I really like it - but it hard packed after a few days if not stirred. So keep that in mind you may have to mix it a lot if it is the same as it was years ago.

Finally had a chance to shoot some baits with the LC. No issues with hard packing though. It was a saltwater blend, the hard stuff sometime can be iffy to work with but other than a lot of micro bubbles it seemed OK.  I hate bubbles. I can probably go to a less expensive blend, and get the same results. Still Looking into a vacuum chamber. Yeah, I'm that fussy.

Need to install another electrical circuit before I do that.

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On 1/24/2025 at 2:45 PM, mark poulson said:

The Baitplastics med hard that had sat for over a year and separated worked just fine once I stirred well.

I was cleaning around my workbench and found an old gallon of Bait Plastics. It has to be pretty old. I mean a couple of years old. Maybe have a little more than a quart left. Anyway, I shook the livin snot out of the jug. left it,came back and shook some more. Then repeated it a few more times. Except for a little of the hard pack stuck to the bottom of the jug it all mixed back up. Gonna shoot some baits with it in a little while. Time will tell.

Haven't used my LC medium yet, only the saltwater stuff.

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