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Posts posted by Redleg318

  1. On 1/31/2024 at 6:06 PM, searunrainbows said:

    Bait plastics is Unusable , I pour transparent colors .

    I Tried their 242 & 262 ( Ultra Clear ) and it fogs up, develops a terrible Smokey haze as it cures.

    How in the world can they call it "Ultra Clear" ? its worse than the cheapest garbage.

    I Contacted them and they were aware of this issue, they asked me to try again & not use heat stabilizer so I did & the same crap developed.I wanted this stuff to work buts its crap, "Ultra Clear" ?? What ?

    So Disappointed...20 gallons of useless plastic sitting in my basement now. 


    Still have it? 

  2. 13 hours ago, Tiderunner said:

    Never had this issue. I have gone down as low as 320 grit. But it takes a lot more glass to achieve the desired results. As far as the medium, I've only used virgin glass beads. Some baits I've used half salt and half glass. Those were mostly senkos. Now I hardly use anything. I like being able to see the glitter in the baits. And colors are better too. I only weigh some senkos, and a wacky worm bait. I typically fish my wacky worm weightless, unless the water is over10'. Then I'll use a weighted wacky hook. My 5" wacky worms weigh almost as much as my weighted senkos. I've even been toying with the idea of using tungsten powder.

    Agreed, I fish weightless as well. Very rarely do I use salt or glass for my own baits. 

  3. Not a fan of their plastisol, never had good luck with it. I'd suggest a gallon of Bait Plastics 242, low bubbles and REAL forgiving to work with. Heat to 350-360, add colorant & flake, then make sure you are injecting around 315-330 deg. After you get your color & flake right, if you dont re-heat you may be shooting at too low a temp & the plastisol is too cool. You dont have to hold too long on your injector either, a few seconds is all thats needed. Top off the sprue and move on to the next one. I always put the cup back in the micro too, keep it warmer longer and allows any leftover bubbles to go away. 

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  4. I shipped 2 dozen bottles of colorant I never used from NY to MI via USPS. I electrical taped the lids, put the bottles in plastic bags and left the air in for a cushion. I also lined the box with bubble wrap and paper. Never had an issue. I'd also be interested in what you have to offload. Praying for your health man. 

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  5. Ok, package came on lunch while I was at work today. I shot home quick, mixed the plastisol up good, poured a cup and popped in in the microwave for 3:40 total. I can say it's not not degassed, lots of bubbles. Not a big deal as the Calhouns/FGF flavor is much the same for me (it smells like Calhouns to me too). My degasser is down so I had to let it sit in the micro for a few minutes. most of the bubbles rose and popped. I also got 3 of their colorants (GP, Watermelon, Junebug). I chose Junebug, dropped 40 in the cup and it was thin, like.....MF thin. 90 drops to a cup got me the semi transparent Junebug I like for the Northeast. It has a little more purple than blue, which I like. The Em Grn flake picked up nicely. I cant say I WOULDNT buy it again....just wouldnt be my first choice of plastisol. I'll shoot the GP and Watermelon this week and post up those pics. Sorry for the blurry one.....phone wouldnt focus. My prefered plastisols in order are still:

    1. Bait Plastics Low Odor 

    2. Calhouns/FGF

    3. Dead On

    4. Ozark Tackle

    5. Do-It


    I havent tried MF, Lureworks, Barlows, or Lurecraft yet. 



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  6. I ordered a quart of medium to test out. I'll pay close attention to bubbles, smell, clarity, shift if color when cooked, & strength then report back. Im still hard pressed to find one I like better than BP 242. 

  7. On 5/21/2023 at 12:12 AM, Tiderunner said:

    So far I’ve tried a few variations.  I would say the 2 closest matches might be the Lureworks165. And 2 drops red to 3 drop brown pumpkin.  
    I have written the blends down and placed samples side by side. It’s been a busy weekend so no time too post pics yet. And depending if I fish tomorrow or not I will have them online by the end of the day.

    BTW.  To the OP. Thanks for reminding me about cotton candy. I forgot what a pretty good color it makes for targeting smallmouth.  Lots of possibilities! 
    im already seeing a cotton candy/silver laminate senko.

    I've been looking for a decent recipe for CC lately. Definitely going to pick up LW version, but it's fun to try and color match. You mentioned you got close with 2 red/3 brown pumpkin, I may try it, also with BP Flo-Pink to see if it gets me closer. 

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