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Posts posted by JRammit

  1. Thanks Dale... feeling MUCH better already... Got up early today so I can get a little shop time in before all that family stuff...... I over estimated my stock... No mold making materials and down to my last 3' strip of PVC....... And the biggest thing missing is my pool, had to take it down for the winter, so I'm reduced to bath tub testing........ Hard to get stuff done this time of year

  2. ive already cut a blank out on the bandsaw and i am having trouble sanding an even amount of wood to smooth out both side.

    There's a good specific first problem

    Ez fix, you need a center line

    Lay your blank flat on the bench (this would have been done before any sanding).. Prop up a sharpie near the center of the blank, doesn't have to be exact(I use pop ice sticks) Spin the blank around the sharpie, so you have a strait line all the way around... Now flip the blank over and spin around again to make another line...... If your sharpie hasn't moved, then you have 2 lines exactly the same distance from each edge of the blank, the space between these lines is the exact center of the bait

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  3. Jimmie, I'm sure you've tried this already, but sometimes it's the obvious solutions that escape us.... More micro balloons?

    For the shape and size you're after, there should be no reason you can't achieve a buoyant, stable body

    Also, not so obvious, let the resin cure longer before you test.. I've noticed a difference in buoyancy from day one to day two

  4. Portable solution..

    I always see these dirt cheap 70's Winnebago's on CL. Just grab one of those and some industrial ceiling vents on opposite ends and your good to go! It's also portable! When someone is bugging you at home, or you get the "your in the shop too much", just drive off! Put "Walterwt"

    On the plates or something..

    Sorry I feel like a genius right now.. I might pursue this.

    Didn't they do that on Breaking Bad?

  5. Same boat, different creek

    Living in Texas, I can fish year round.. But this time of year I'm usually looking forward to duck hunting... Season opened on my birthday (last Saturday) which also happened to be the same day I came down with pneumonia...... I'm back on my feet now, but after missing 4 days of work with no sick time or vacation time, our budget is on a tight squeeze

    So duck season is out of the question for me this year... And while the water stays soft all winter here, it would be wise of me to stay off it...... But fortunately I do have enough materials in my shop to last until, well, how long does pneumonia last??

  6. Thanks Ben.... That's a sad story too... I try not to get too close to my dogs now, try, but I can't say it works

    That's what I miss about my last dog Hemi.. She's the only dog I've ever had that would ride in the back of my truck and STAY there...... I use to take her to the little beer store on the corner, they fed all the stray cats there, so there were plenty of them running around..... I could leave her unattended in the truck bed while i went inside and she NEVER jumped out

    But the puppy looks like shell b fine... She's well enough to limp around and jump on the couches (where she doesn't belong)...... It is a nasty nasty cut! Well just have to keep an eye on it

  7. Yea they are.. Loyal, friendly and great with kids

    Only problem with labs is keeping them home!!!.... It's been a constant battle patching holes in my fence.... Earlier this year, my previous hunting dog got out and went on a chicken killing spree... That was her last rodeo, somebody shot her

    Now, just this morning, my wife calls and said the puppy dug out and got hit by a car... She's ok, just has a busted leg now.... Wife says it doesn't look broken, just a nasty deep gash on it, and a little skin off her head.... Guess it coulda been worse

  8. I made a paint booth from a big card board box... It sits in front of my window, fan in the window seal, hole in the back of the box and an air filter in front of the fan..... Simple, ez

    But most garages don't have windows, so that might not work for you

  9. So I took a little break from lure building.. For one, duck season is approaching, so I needed the time to get me and the new puppy ready.. But also because I started overwhelming myself with ideas and projects..... Now I understand why so many don't sell baits!

    Anyway, were as ready as we're gonna get for hunting season, so I decided to spend my day off giving my shop a MUCH needed clean up/organize day..... Well, having not been inside for a week or two, I wasnt surprised to see that my cute little bird dog puppy had run a MUCK!

    Muddy footprints on the top of my bench, empty containers laying about with objects previously occupying those containers spread out all over the floor.. Bags of soft plastic baits laying outside the door, a full paper towel roll shredded into pieces blown all over the yard... Ect. Ect. Ect.

    So I decided to fix her wagon!

    That's my little lab mut Nessie (named after the Lochness monster










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  10. You can find PVC trim at your local Lowes or Home Depot... Usually right next to all the decorative wood trim

    It cuts and sands just like wood (actually cuts a lot easier than wood on my band saw) but it's water proof.... Also lighter than most hard woods

  11. Shared my space in the basement with two cats for a while. Wife kept wanting to take them to the vet cause of the hair loss. Made some nice nymph flies with calico dubbing during their stay. Cat's don't seem to like me anymore.Vet said they had a nervous condition he had never seen before. My black lab was also missing hair at the time. Space is pet free now....just the way I like it.


    That's good stuff!.... Had that vet scratching his head, hilarious!

    I used our cat once, wife gave me dirty looks, but the cat liked the attention

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  12. It will make the pop both smoother and harder.

    I have no idea of the exact ratio of water to glue. It's probably about ten parts water to one part glue.

    The amount of glue to water ratio will determine how smooth and hard. I add the glue when the pop is clumpy, and keep adding glue until it is completely mixed, so I don't over-water it. If it gets too runny I just add some more dry pop.

    Then I think that's the ticket!.... Two heads are better than one!

  13. Would adding yellow carpenter's glue to your pop so it is harder make cleaning out the clay easier?

    If the glue makes the plaster smoother than it might... Problem is, the clay master sometimes crumbles and parts can stick in the cavity... Other times it all pulls out in one piece

    I think it's just the porous nature of the plaster.. It's not designed for making molds, it's designed for sticking to walls...... But we find ways

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  14. I used the air dry clay for a long time, it works pretty well.... The advantage is best of both worlds, hard/soft master..... The disadvantage, you only get one shot, if you mess up making the mold, your master is destroyed in the process.....

    And like I mentioned before, sometimes it's a real pain to clean it all out, keep that in mind when adding details, picture trying to pick and scrub wet clay off of them.... Still a viable option, and at $5 a tub not much to lose

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  15. For pictures in a thread, click "more reply options" then click "add attachment".... If using a mobile device, you'll have to click "full version" first

    Make sure and read up on the rules first... Pictures just to show your work go in the gallery... Pictures for the purpose of asking or answering questions can go here in the forums

  16. One more thing you can try, if you're the artistic type... Get some air dry clay, crayola makes it Walmart carries it

    The air dry clay becomes soft again if you get it wet.. Like when you pour wet plaster over it..... It can be a little messy and tedious to clean out of your finished mold.. But it will not damage any plaster as you remove it

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