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Painter1 last won the day on November 5 2023

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  1. Printing isn’t expensive (assuming some bulk).
  2. I’m very much still looking. Your help would be most welcome
  3. Skirt sellers have plastic “skirt umbrellas” that are designed for that. https://barlowstackle.com/-skirt-umbrellas--p823/ I use some old chenille
  4. Sorry guys. I’m taking care of sick wife. Will get it done when able
  5. I found several thousand 4 inch, tri-color finesse worms that I made over 5 years ago. They are dried out and some are bent. Any recommendations on rehabilitating them? If I can make them viable they will go to the HS Fishing Clubs.
  6. I have over 150 molds that I’m not using but haven’t been motivated to catalog and put up for sale. If you are looking for any particular molds, let me know and I will sell at 1/2 retail, OBO.
  7. Can you tell me what these skirt colors/names are? Thank you.
  8. What is your experience with these Boss weedguards from FishingSkirts? I know they used to have a “hub” that worked well but it looks like it’s been reduced. https://www.fishingskirts.com/product/army-green-pumpkin-medium-1-8/
  9. That would be great. Please do.
  10. So how are you guys making skirts without this tool?
  11. Any chance you could get 1?
  12. bench mount professional skirt making tool
  13. Thank you. That is exactly what I lost and want to replace. The site fooled me because I looked under “Tools” at first. Unfortunately they are out of stock. Anyone have one to sell/trade?
  14. I have seriously lost my tool and am not seeing its replacement on Barlow’s, etc. It was green, about 10”-12” long and about 4” wide. Bought it several decades ago. Ideas on getting a replacement are most welcome.
  15. I put together a jig business. With a couple pros making marketing videos for the website it drew attention. I focused on selling wholesale and made personal calls to stores. The pandemic helped tremendously because I had ordered plenty of materials and they were manufactured here in the USA, so no supply issues. Recently sold the company to a bigger outfit. It was interesting and profitable but good luck was definitely a factor.
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