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About Pup

  • Birthday 01/01/1902

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  1. Pup

    Flexcoat Epoxy

    Fish don't care about jigs yellowing, so why should we? Now, for those who produce commercially...just make sure your customer is aware of this. Profess it as an enhancer...lol. I read this hair-splitting inquiry and think, to myself, how overly complicated all of this is...and crazy. I do fish, on occasion, with a scientist though.
  2. Pup

    Mustad Hooks?

    Mustad used to supply some of the best hook documentation in the business...online. Haven't looked for it in quite some time, but that'd be my observation. Mustad sets my hook size standards for me.
  3. Recently, I began using D2T as a finishing coat for my jig heads. I use an eye shadow brush to coat the heads and it works great. When I've finished, I soak the brush in a medicine cup filled with 91% Isopropanol. The brush hairs come out of it clean and soft. My question is...does doing so involve a release of toxic fumes from the solvent that I can't detect by smell? I'm trying to be very careful and thought I'd better ask this question now, before I continue on with this practice. Perhaps many here have done this in their personal experiences. Thanks, Pup
  4. Pup

    Bob's Bobber?

    To my way of understanding, the idea behind center-weighting a cork/balsa/styrofoam float is to detect what is known as a lift bite. So, purchase a Comal, unweighted (or weighted if you need casting distance) styrofoam float. Be it spherical or dually-conical and attach it to your line directly above your FNF jig. Add the smallest weight of split shot (SS) to the mainline immediately atop the bobber in order to cock the bobber at a 45 degree angle in still water. You can further adjust this angle by adding additional weight to either the top or bottom of the float. Test this angle in still water. Adjust the weight of the SS until it's ready to fish. The bobber, laying on its side in the absence of wave/wind action, will indicate a lift bite. As you might discern, I don't use the 3-way rig. However, I am a river fisherman when it comes to FNF. Extremely long casts with weighted floats aren't necessary to me. Nor is the 3-way swivel.
  5. Pup

    Vise suggestions?

    I second this. I like its 360 degree rotation. For jig tying, I position the jaws to near horizontal. A perfectly horizontal position does not allow me to position some materials past the hook bend as well. The jaws lock down great on the sizes of jig hooks that I use. Typically, #4 to 1/0. I can optionally rotate the jaws with my left-hand to levelwind jig collars. Great for tying with spherically-shaped threads.
  6. Pup

    Jig Tying

    Try Coats & Clark button thread. It's a cotton/polyester blend. Be sure to seal it when finished wrapping. A few drops of cyanoacrylate should do the trick.
  7. I use an old battery-powered tool called a "Mister Buster". A drill with a tiny bit actually. It's been distributed by Mister Twister.
  8. This won't address the chipping, but have you ever tried using tweezers to remove stray hairs? Pointed or slant-tipped work well for me. It's like plucking nose hairs or eyebrows near their follicles. Less painful though. I once used an Exacto knife and found myself cutting into thread and top coat periodically.
  9. Thank you everyone for the replies. Cadman, Thanks for elaborating on the topic.
  10. Sure is... Hello Dave. How's the pouring going? You do great work BTW.
  11. These questions are for those who use nail polish (NP) to paint lead heads. Do any of you use a nail polish thinner? If so, what brand do you use? Also, please reply if you use something different than a proprietary product designed or marketed specifically for thinning NP. I have many favorite older colors that are drying out and would like to thin them back to a useable consistency. Thanks for any help!
  12. Bad idea. Surely, someone on this site has thought of hosting an interesting fee-free competitor. If not, it'll come in time.
  13. Just a couple of other thoughts on tools... You would do well to visit a local "Big Box" department store like Wal-Mart or Meijer. Visit their cosmetics department. Another possibility is to visit a Walgreens drug store. You can buy such tools as tweezers and scissors that are of pretty good quality actually. Sally Hansen and Sally Hansen LaCross scissors come to mind. Kiss Red and Tweezerman tweezers are pretty good too. A good substitute for head cement is Sally Hansen's "Hard as Nails". However, do not overlook other nail polish (NP) clearcoat sealers such as Rimmel 60-Second or Wet-N-Wild invisibles. Hobby Lobby will sell a fine-point paper punch tool that works adequately as a dubbing needle, but shines as a pick for hair that is overwrapped with thread and needs to be pulled out from under your wrap(s). Kiss makes an excellent 4-second super glue (Maximum Speed nail glue) that, at times , can be purchased at two .11-ounce bottles for the price of one (about $1.89}. Meijer and Walgreens carry it in my area.
  14. Isn't Tackle Craft a part of Falls Bait Company of Chippewa Falls, WI? Falls does not have a web site, but they still make one of the best crappie jigs I've ever fished with. Falls Bait CO (715) 723-3645 1440 Kennedy Road Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin 54729
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