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Ranger drops IKE!

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I'm sure that Ike won't be hurting. Of course BASS is going to say it's human error. We wouldn't want anyone to think that a nice shiney new bass boat could have a defect. If I saw 4 of my fish floating dead, I'd probably have a few choice words myself! Sorry, but in my opinion, Ike will bring far more to our sport than many of his predecessors.

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Good for Ranger. Ike needs to grow up and fast. I am sure that if the fish could have turned on the aereator......they would have!!!! Ike only has himself to blame. Maybe the rest of the sponsors will do the same and set an example before everyone starts acting like idiots!!!


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Ike needs anger management classes. In a tournament, an angler must be on top of his game and should know if his livewell is running. They are quiet but NOT silent! Indeed he can catch fish, and is interesting to watch, but if it were any of us at our jobs and pulled what he did, we would ALL BE FIRED! :twisted:

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I'm not going to say that what he did during the Classic was planned, but I will say that a lot of what he does is a marketing ploy. He causes contreversy on purpose. He WANTS to be the bad boy of fishing. I'm not going to say I agree or disagree with what he is doing, but one thing is certain...he is drawing new fans to the sport. He is exactly what pro fishing needs to get bigger and better. Many pro anglers may not like some of the stupid things that he does, but when they win that $500K fatty they sure will appreciate the fact that pots are getting bigger and will continue to do so in the future.

All sports need a villian or two. It gives people things to chat about and makes for a side story to keep things interesting when they may get boring.

Just my 2 cents...

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OK....Who amongst us hasn't thrown a fit out on the water, cursed and slammed a livewell lid or 2??? I wonder what pro could claim that??? I have seen MANY break rods over their knees and throw stuff across the boat!!

Before you go off on me, I don't condone what Ike did or how he acted, especially the flag going in the water. He is a role model that many kids look to in the fishing sport but I just think he got caught where others like G-man have gotten away with near the same thing but it wasn't on camera.

A few years back, this would have been a non-issue as most of it would have been rumor and hear-say. Now that there is a camera everywhere these guys go, they have to act super human every moment.

I love Ike's passion for competition and his abilities on the water. I have read his book a couple times and while it is no best seller, it does give some great insights into the mind of a pro. He is constantly giving 150%.

Equipment failure happens (right Rick...!!!) and if I had made the classic and had those problems, I might have paid that camera guy to keep my fish alive.

He will get a boat deal for sure & I will agree whole heartedly with keith on this one....This Ranger deal is a bigger issue than Ike....This is pressure from the BASS and FLW conflict.

I hate to say it but BASS needs Ike as much or more than Ike needs BASS (or Ranger). Like him or not, everybody watches him, follows him,has an opinion on him, loves him and hates him. Read every forum right now and see if there isn't an Ike thread going strong!!!!

I say...Fish on Ike and don't let them curb your passion for the sport!!! Bottom line will be, Ike can fish and kick some butt...not true for a good many of the other pro "boy scouts" out there. The sport of fishing, just like other sports, needs a "bad guy" to stay popular and make $$$$$.

Let the Jim bashing begin!!!


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The problem with drawing new fans to a sport with negative/badboy attitudes, is that those are the types of people you will attract for the most part. God forbid that some young man just starting out in the sport styles himself like that. Certainly not the type of person I want to be around at a tournament at 4 AM. Can you imagine 7 or 8 of them at the same function. :rolleyes:

As far as I'm concerned this is a gentleman's sport and that type of personality is countermand to what the sport stands for. I understand it's all about the money first and the sport is somewhere else on the list.

As fo the Ranger deal, you guys are much more up on it than I. But; I do seem to remember a televised tourny a while back where he fished in the 2nd day in a no-fish area and got DQ'd.

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I agree our fishing role models should not be setting an example of aggression and having fits. We all get angry at times but as a teacher I tell my students that it is ok to be angry, its how you handle it that really matters. I also agree that I don't want to be around a bunch Ike wanna be hot heads at any fishing function I'm involved in.

mossy maker

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Badboy or whatever ? having a snit is one thing but when you throw an American flag down, in this case it landed in the water, is not acceptable behavior. He really showed that running light a thing or two?. What kind of message are you sending to the next generation? Is it OK to act like a moron whether the camera is on or not?

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When pro qualifies for classic, does he get to fish out of his own boat, or does BASS still supply identical boats to each angler like they used to? Either way, I know that in my 10 year old, bottom of the line Skeeter, in order to even put water in my live well, I have to turn the thing on - point is, in a boat like he was fishing out of, only way livewell would have even had water in it, is if it turned on. Sounds like he was mad about an equipment problem to me. That said, he is right to be furious about it BUT, a fit on the water is a bit uncalled for. As far as being "caugt on camera", even the most second rate television proction can edit out footage - just cut him out of footage and move on. It not like he cheated or something - he had a bad day and handled it very poorly. Who has not had a bad day and handled it poorly?

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When bass came to my town they supplied all the guys with boats, maybe the timers were set different from the boat IKE is use to? I guess will never know because thats not good TV.

I TOTALLY don't agree with throwing the flag in the water but if you watch the footage he was searching for something to grab and that was at the height. Everybody has done something they regret in a fit of rage! Anyways, I look up to IKE and his fishing style, Ranger drops him, move on to another company, the controversy alone is good marketing move!

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I thought they supplied identical boats for the anglers. So, here he is fishing out of their boat, half a million bucks on the line, he opens his live well and finds dead fish, which he can't cull, at least not without cathing heck for, AND if he weighs them, he going to incur manditory weight penalty? I would have thrown a fit too.....if I cant fish out of my own boat, at least give me a reliable one.

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I don't think this was the first time Ike had been in a Triton. It is my understanding that he failed to turn the livewell on and if that is the case then he deserves everything he gets for not taking care of the fish. Now, if the livewell was not operating, all he had to do was call the tournament director and I am sure that Triton would have sent someone out to correct the problem while he fished. Like the old saying: "There is no excuse for ignorance"......


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Just because someone is in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing, doesn't necessarily make him good; just dumb and lucky could be the reason.

People like this guy have a way of coming "full circle". Maybe he's started to make his second lefthand turn,lol.

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